Dental health

What’s Your Dental Plan?

Planning for Success To achieve the utmost in oral health and a stunning smile, you need a strategy. If you’re in Phoenix, Arizona looking for a smile makeover and need cosmetic dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, sedation dentistry or any number of dental restoration procedures done, your strategy should be: “Contact my professional neighborhood dental practice.” The

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Seeking A Relationship In Phoenix?

Are you one of the many Scottsdale singles looking for a significant other? Perhaps you recently broke off a dysfunctional partnership and are determined to make a better choice this time around. I’m not talking about a relationship with a girlfriend, boyfriend, or spouse – I’m talking about something equally important – your relationship with

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Are Your Eating Habits Sabotaging Your Oral Health?

Most Phoenix residents know that frequently eating foods high in sugar can cause cavities. Therefore, it’s important to limit candy, soda, cookies, etc. Also, remember that frequency is as dangerous as the amount of sugar. Research has found that a higher frequency in sugar consumption may lead to demineralization more than the amount of sugar

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Learn How You Can Change Your Life By Transforming Your Smile

Many dental patients have experienced a boost in self-confidence by undergoing restorative or cosmetic dentistry at The Norterra Dentist in Phoenix. Nothing gives us more satisfaction than helping individuals dramatically improve their smile and overall self-esteem. We Offer The Latest Tooth Restoration Techniques We offer the latest tooth restoration procedures to correct dental problems and

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Think You Know How To Brush? Think Again.

You’ve been doing it since you were five. You switch to autopilot morning and night and get it done. But The Norterra Dentist in Phoenix AZ has a question: are you doing it right? We ask this in all seriousness. There is always room for improvement, even in something as basic as brushing your teeth.

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Isn’t a Dental Bridge as Good as an Implant for a Knocked-out Tooth?

At The Norterra Dentist, we treat dental emergencies such as a knocked-out tooth. Patients who have suffered an injury that either knocks out a tooth or severely damages the tooth have a couple of options for tooth replacement. In today’s post, we will discuss a tooth replacement option common in Scottsdale: dental bridges. Dental bridges

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What Does Your Phoenix Dentist Need To Know?

For optimal dental health, all Phoenix residents should be visiting their dentist twice a year for scheduled cleanings and exams. This is a good time to make sure that you are brushing and flossing properly. It is also critical that you discuss issues related to dental health. Make sure to tell your dentist about any

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The Norterra Dentist Takes Care Of Plaque, Calculus, And Cavities

Along with daily brushing and flossing, six-month cleanings and checkups at The Norterra Dentist in Phoenix AZ are the best way to ensure you have good dental health. That means clean teeth with no cavities and pink healthy gums. Most dental appointments begin with a cleaning from the hygienist, but not always. During the cleaning,

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3 Smart Smile Solutions

In this article from The Norterra Dentist in Phoenix AZ, we take a look at three procedures often used in cosmetic dental smile makeovers. 1. Dental Implants Dental implants are transforming dentistry. For most patients, a dental implant is a prime solution for a missing tooth. The implant is a metal (usually titanium) rod implanted

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Gum Health Affects Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

There is a link between type 2 diabetes and gum disease, which is yet another reason to have regular cleanings and checkups at The Norterra Dentist in Phoenix AZ. Diabetes affects the way the body uses glucose (blood sugar). Scientists have known for a long time that people with diabetes have higher rates of gum

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