Oral hygiene

The Five Stages of a Cavity

You may have heard that once tooth enamel is eroded, it’s gone forever. The Norterra Dentist wants you to be aware of how cavities form. This is partially true, but a cavity can be reversed in the earliest stage of enamel erosion.  Reverse a cavity before it needs a filling If you can restrict cavities

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Tooth Sensitivity Treatment At The Norterra Dentist

Have you ever been eating an ice cream cone when you experienced a sudden zap of pain in one of your teeth? If the enamel has eroded, or the gums have receded, the dentin layer of the tooth is exposed. The substances that cause tooth pain travel to the pulp where the nerves of the

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Unexpected Stress? Don’t Forget Your Smile

When you suddenly have to juggle extra balls, some are bound to get dropped. Perhaps you are going through a divorce or became the caregiver for an ailing parent. Perhaps you took on a second job or started night school to earn an advanced degree. Not every stressor is negative. A new baby, marriage, career,

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A New Reason To Eat More Fish

Welcome to The Norterra Dentist blog. I am Dr. Mann. In the article “Fatty Fish, Nuts May Prevent Gum Disease,” author Jennifer Warner explains that a recent study links diets high in polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) with a lower risk of. Gum disease is a common dental condition in Phoenix for many people. When gum

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How Does Your Overall Health Affect Your Smile?

Good dental health means having healthy teeth and gums. Maintaining it is something that you have to work at every day. It can be a real balancing act: using the right oral care products, your personal oral care habits, and seeing us at The Norterra Dentist in Phoenix AZ twice a year. Did you know

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Beating Horrible Halitosis

“My neighbor’s bad breath is scaring me.” Do you live in Phoenix and Black Canyon City or nearby? Bad breath isn’t just a problem for careful brushers in Pheonix. Your neighbors in Fortuna Foothills can spend all day brushing their teeth and still come out with bad breath. But why? I’m Dr. Mann with The

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