How Does Your Overall Health Affect Your Smile?

Good dental health means having healthy teeth and gums. Maintaining it is something that you have to work at every day. It can be a real balancing act: using the right oral care products, your personal oral care habits, and seeing us at The Norterra Dentist in Phoenix AZ twice a year.

Did you know your dental health can be impacted by your general health? There are many common medical conditions that pose a risk to oral health. Just a few examples:

Diabetes patients with high blood glucose often have a higher risk of dental issues.

A persistent dry mouth due to an inadequate amount of saliva can accelerate tooth decay, cause or contribute to gum disease, and trigger chronic bad breath. Many common medications can cause dry mouth.

Acid reflux in children and adults is associated with a host of dental problems such as decay and periodontal disease.

At The Norterra Dentist in Phoenix AZ we help our patients prevent problems associated with medical conditions that may seem unrelated to dental health. People from Phoenix and Black Canyon City call us for general and restorative dentistry, and much more. Call for an appointment today!

Contact The Norterra Dentist:

(623) 780-3333

Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

2370 W Happy Valley Rd #1073
Phoenix, AZ


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